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Professor Kellee Caton's Publications

Caton, K., and Grimwood, B. (In Press). Language. In J. Jafari and H. Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, 3rd Edition. New York: Springer.

Caton, K. (In Press). Humanism. In J. Jafari and H. Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, 3rd Edition. New York: Springer.

Caton, K., Hurst, C., and Grimwood, B. (2021). Enchantment: Feeding Care within the Cracks of Ecotourism. In D. Fennell (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Ecotourism. London: Routledge.

Senese, D., Hull, J., and Caton, K. (2021). Wine and Culinary Tourism Futures. Tourism Analysis.

Stinson, M., Grimwood, B., and Caton, K. (2020). Becoming Common Plantain: Metaphor, Settler Responsibility, and Decolonizing Tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29, 234–252.

Belhassen, Y., Caton, K., and Vahaba, C. (2020). Boot Camps, Bugs, and Dreams: Metaphor Analysis of Internship Experiences in the Hospitality Industry. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, and Tourism Education, 27, 1–11.


Turner, B., Hill, D., and Caton, K. (2020). Cracking “Open” Technology. In D. Levia, D. Carlyle-Moses, S. Iida, B. Michalzik, K. Nanko, and A. Tischer (Eds.), Forest-Water Interactions (pp. 3–28). Springer.


Caton, K., and Hill, D. (2020). On Walls and Webs: Contemplating Postdisciplinarity. T. Pernecky (Ed.), Postdisciplinarity Knowledge (pp. 185–199). London: Routledge.


Stevens, Z., Grimwood, B., and Caton, K. (2019). Nurturing an Ethic of Care in Tourism Education through Story. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 19, 22–38.


Grimwood, B., Mair, H., Caton, K., and Muldoon, M. (Eds.). (2018). Tourism and Wellness: Travel for the Good of All? Lanham, MD: Lexington.


Caton, K., Mair, H., Muldoon, M., and Grimwood, B. (2018). Engaging the Nexus of Wellness and (Critical) Tourism Studies. In B. Grimwood, et al. (eds.), Tourism and Wellness: Travel for the Good of All? (pp. xv–xxi). Lanham, MD: Lexington.


Kiyan, N., and Caton, K. (2018). Making Love on the Farm: The Shambhala Music Festival. In B. Grimwood, et al. (eds.), Tourism and Wellness: Travel for the Good of All? (pp. 154–172). Lanham, MD: Lexington.


Pastoor, C., Caton, K., Belhassen, Y., Collins, B., and Wallin, M. (2018). Rock of Our Salvation: Christian Music Festival Tourism. Annals of Leisure Research, 21, 440–461.


Grimwood, B., Caton, K., and Cooke, L. (Eds.) (2018). New Moral Natures in Tourism. Ethics of Tourism Series. London: Routledge.


Grimwood, B., Caton, K., and Cooke, L. (2018). Tourism, Nature, Morality. In Grimwood et al. (eds.), New Moral Natures in Tourism (pp. 1–12). London: Routledge.


Caton, K. (2018). In the Forest. In Grimwood et al. (eds.), New Moral Natures in Tourism (pp. 194–205). London: Routledge.


Caton, K., and Grimwood, B. (2018). Ethics for a Wild World. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 18, 1–7.


Hollinshead, K., and Caton, K. (2017). Worldmaking and the Representation of Peoples and Places In/Through Tourism. In L. Lowry (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism (pp. 1486–1490). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Grimwood, B., and Caton, K. (2017). Pausing at the Intersections of Tourism Moralities and Mobilities: Some Neighbourhood History and a Traffic Report. Tourist Studies, 17, 3–16.


Hales, R., and Caton, K. (2017). Proximity Ethics, Climate Change, and the Flyer’s Dilemma: Ethical Negotiations of the Hypermobile Traveller. Tourist Studies, 17, 94–113.


Caton, K. (2016). A Humanist Paradigm for Tourism Studies? Envisioning a Collective Alternative to Epistemic Literalism.  In A. Munar and T. Jamal (eds.), Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges (pp. 35–56). Tourism Social Science Series. Bingley, UK: Emerald.


Cooke, L., Grimwood, B., and Caton, K. (2016). A Moral Turn for Mountain Tourism? In H. Richins and J. Hull (eds.), Mountain Tourism: Experiences, Communities, Environments and Sustainable Futures (pp. 246–254). Oxfordshire, UK: CABI.


Caton, K. (2016). Humanism, Tourism. In J. Jafari and H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, 2nd Edition. New York: Springer.


Caton, K. (2015). Studying Tourism: Where’s the Humanity in It? In P. Sheldon and C. Hsu (eds.), Tourism Education: Global Issues and Trends (pp. 15–39). Tourism Social Science Series. Bingley, UK: Emerald.


Hollinshead, K., Caton, K., and Ivanova, M. (2015). The Normalization of Places and Spaces: Tourism and Transformation—A Glossary on the Eye-of-Authority. In Y. Reisinger (ed.), Transformational Tourism: Host Perspectives (pp. 36–44). Oxfordshire, UK: CABI.


Hollinshead, K., Ivanova, M., and Caton, K. (2015). Destination under Discipline: Foucault and the Transformation of Place Makers. In Y. Reisinger (ed.), Transformational Tourism: Host Perspectives (pp. 17–35). Oxfordshire, UK: CABI.


Liang, K., Caton, K., and Hill, D. (2015).  Lessons from the Road: Travel, Life-Wide Learning, and Higher Education. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 15, 225–241.


Caton, K. (2015). Growing on the Go? Moral Development in Tourism. Annals of Leisure Research 18, 1–8.


Caton, K. (2015). On the Practical Value of a Liberal Education. In D. Dredge, D. Airey, and M. Gross (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Hospitality Education (pp. 43–54). London: Routledge.


Pastoor, C., Caton, K., Belhassen, Y., Collins, B., and Wallin, M. (2015). Let There Be Rock! A Tale of Two Christian Music Festivals. In O. Moufakkir and T. Pernecky (eds.), Ideological, Social, and Cultural Aspects of Events (pp. 47–59). Oxfordshire, UK: CABI.


Caton, K. (2014). Underdisciplinarity: Where Are the Humanities in Tourism Education? Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 15, 24–33.


Caton, K. (2014). Between You and Me: Making Messes with Constructivism and Critical Theory. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 13, 127–137.


Caton, K. (2014). Humanism and Tourism: A Moral Encounter. In M. Mostafanezhad and K. Hannam (eds.), Moral Encounters in Tourism (pp. 185–198). London: Ashgate.


Caton, K. (2014). What Does It Mean to Be Good in Tourism? In K. Boluk and C. Weeden (eds.), Managing Ethical Consumption in Tourism (pp. 19–31). London: Routledge.


Caton, K., Schott, C., and Daniele, R. (2014). Tourism’s Imperative for Global Citizenship. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism 14(2), 123–128.


Dredge, D., Schott, C., Daniele, R., Caton, K., Edelheim, J., and Munar, A.M. (2014). The Tourism Education Futures Initiative. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2014.930773.


Caton, K. (2013). The Risky Business of Understanding: Philosophical Hermeneutics and Worldmaking in Tourism. Tourism Analysis 18(3), 341–351.


Caton, K., Pastoor, C., Belhassen, Y., Collins, B., and Wallin, M. (2013). Christian Music Festival Tourism and Positive Peace. Journal of Tourism and Peace Research 3(1), 21–42.


Caton, K. (2012). Taking the Moral Turn in Tourism Studies. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 1906–1928.


Belhassen, Y., and Caton, K. (2011). On the Need for Critical Pedagogy in Tourism Education. Tourism Management, 32, 1389–1396.


Caton, K. (2011). Pedagogy and the Other: Discursive Production in Study Abroad. Journal of Tourism and Peace Research, 2(2), 1–15.


Caton, K. (2011). Thinking Inside the Box: Understanding Discursive Production and Consumption in Tourism. In I. Ateljevic, N. Morgan, and A. Pritchard (eds.), The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Creating an Academy of Hope (pp. 121–134). London: Routledge.


Caton, K., and Santos, C. (2009). Images of the Other: Selling Study Abroad in a Postcolonial World. Journal of Travel Research, 48, 191–204.


Belhassen, Y., and Caton, K. (2009). Advancing Understandings: A Linguistic Approach to Tourism Epistemology. Annals of Tourism Research, 36, 335–352.


Caton, K., and Santos, C. (2008). Closing the Hermeneutic Circle? Photographic Encounters with the Other. Annals of Tourism Research, 35, 7–26.


Belhassen, Y., Caton, K., and Stewart, W. (2008). The Search for Authenticity in the Pilgrim Experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 35, 668–689.


Santos, C., Belhassen, Y., and Caton, K. (2008). Reimagining Chinatown: An Analysis of Tourism Discourse. Tourism Management, 29, 1002–1012.


Caton, K., and Santos, C. (2007). Heritage Tourism on Route 66: Deconstructing Nostalgia. Journal of Travel Research, 45, 371–386.


Belhassen, Y., and Caton, K. (2006). Authenticity Matters. Annals of Tourism Research, 33, 853–856.

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